4 Reasons Why Private Preschools Are on the Rise

If you find yourself searching for private preschools near me, you’re not alone because more American parents are opting for private education for their children.

Data from the Condition of Education 2016 report estimates that 4.1 million students were enrolled in private school from prekindergarten to eighth grade in the 2013-14 school year. This was an increase from the previous 2011-12 school year, where 4 million students enrolled in private school from prekindergarten to eighth grade.

Why do parents prefer private schools over public schools? Look to the following reasons that private education is on the rise.

1. Smaller Class Sizes in Private Schools Allows Teachers to Offer Personalized Attention to Students

Early childhood education is crucial, as it lays a strong academic foundation for your child. At a tender age, a child’s learning is wholly dependent on the instructors. Preschool students learn best when they have an engaging and stimulating environment. Children need to have a warm relationship with their teacher so they can freely communicate and ask all sorts of questions.

Teachers in private preschools will have enough time to pay personal attention to each kid in their class. Not only do teachers get to form strong bonds with their students, they also ensure that no child is left behind. In preschool, students learn phonics and basic math skills, which they advance in subsequent grades. A preschool teacher with a small class will ensure that all students have exceptional phonic and math skills.

2. Private Preschools Have Flexible Curriculums

When searching for the best private preschools near me, consider the curriculum offered at the preschool. Unlike public schools that are bound by a singular curriculum and select teaching methods, private schools have more options. Since private preschools are not controlled or funded by the state, teachers and administrators can settle on a specialized curriculum.

This means that teachers can adjust their teaching methods to fit the needs of their students. Public teachers have to follow the recommended curriculum even when some of the students are left behind. Conversely, teachers in the best private preschools often tweak their teaching methods to accommodate all students. Students who experience difficulties learning may benefit from a different teaching method.

3. The Best Preschools in Miami Encourage Parental Participation

As a parent, it may feel hastened to enroll your child in preschool at the tender age of three. However, your child stands to gain more from early childhood education than staying at home. Most parents search for private preschools near me to select the nearest school to their home or workplace so they can visit their child as frequently as they wish.

This is why private schools have parent-friendly policies that encourage you to take a more active role in your child’s education. The top preschools organize frequent school activities that involve parents. These social activities can include family camping weekends, parents’ breakfast, and parent committees.

When you’re more involved in your child’s education, you’ll bond with your child more and not feel left out. It’s commendable that private schools go out of their way to enhance parental involvement in their children’s education. Additionally, you’ll also get to know your child’s teacher at a more personal level.

4. Private Preschools Encourage Art Learning

Unlike public schools that have limited art funding, private schools have more resources to facilitate art learning. Your child attends music lessons at an early age. Language immersion programs are also available in the top private preschools.

Learning through art allows students to discover their talents at an early age. It also stimulates creativity and allows students to see the world from different perspectives. Studies have shown that students who study art or learn a second language increase their chances of success in our modern world.

Whenever you’re searching for private preschools near me, remember these reasons that private education is on the rise. Keep in mind these benefits, as they’ll help you select the most suitable private preschool for your child.