3 Extracurricular Activities in Upper School That Strengthen Development

best private middle schools in Miami

Students in upper or middle school, encompassing grades 5-8, are at a pivotal stage of development. This is why academic learning is not enough for their growth. It is through a well-rounded education, one that includes extracurricular activities, that students in the best private middle schools in Miami truly thrive. During this time, they begin to form their identities as well as explore their passions. Here are four extracurricular activities that contribute significantly to their learning and growth.

1. The Arts

    The arts are more than just creative outlets, they are essential for development too. At CEA, students have the opportunity to engage in a wide range of artistic disciplines, including dance, music, theatre, and visual arts. These activities do more than just cultivate artistic talent, they foster discipline, enhance cognitive abilities, and encourage emotional expression. For instance, ballet classes emphasize classical technique and vocabulary while focusing on body placement, coordination, and overall movement quality. Through this practice, students also discover discipline and perseverance.

    Music lessons, such as piano, cello, guitar, violin, and singing, offer students a chance to develop their auditory skills and creativity. Beyond the joy of making music, these lessons enhance memory, improve coordination, and build confidence. Another great extracurricular arts activity to explore is theatre. In this program, students explore foundational acting techniques and creative dramatics. Through improvisational exercises, movement, and literature, they gain a deeper understanding of human behavior and learn to express themselves confidently.

    2. Honor Societies

      Honor societies are usually available only at the best private middle schools in Miami since they represent a prestigious recognition of academic excellence, leadership, and character. These societies set high standards for membership, requiring students to demonstrate not only outstanding academic performance but also a commitment to community service and ethical behavior. Honor societies are more than just a symbol of achievement, they provide a platform for students to engage in intellectual discourse, networking with like-minded peers, leadership activities, and community service.

      At CEA, students may be inducted into honor societies in 7th grade. They can be part of the National Junior Honor Society, the National Honor Society for Dance Arts, the National Junior Thespian Honor Society, The Tri-M Music Honor Society, and more. Membership in an honor society is not just a recognition of academic success; it’s an opportunity to develop leadership skills and a sense of responsibility. Students who participate in these organizations learn the value of hard work, dedication, and ethical behavior. By offering these programs, our school aims to cultivate a culture of excellence and ambition, preparing students to excel in high school, college, and beyond.

      3. Sports

        According to an article by the University of Missouri Health Care, some people may think that playing a sport would distract student-athletes from schoolwork. However, the opposite is true.

        “Sports require memorization, repetition, and learning — skillsets that are directly relevant to class work. Also, the determination and goal-setting skills a sport requires can be transferred to the classroom.”

        This is why at CEA, sports are an integral part of our upper school experience, offering students opportunities to develop physical fitness, teamwork, and leadership skills. The sports program includes basketball, cross-country, flag football, soccer, track and field, T-ball, and volleyball, among others. Most schools are limited to soccer and basketball, however by offering a variety of options each student can find a sport that resonates with their interests and strengths, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to participate and excel. Additionally, participating in sports teaches students the importance of self-discipline, perseverance, and time management. Moreover, sports provide a healthy outlet for energy and stress, contributing to students’ overall well-being and helping them maintain a balanced lifestyle.

        As you can see, extracurricular activities offered at the best private middle schools in Miami are vital to students’ overall development and learning experience. Whether through the arts, sports, honor societies, or other options, these activities nurture the crucial teenage years by promoting creativity, teamwork, leadership, and discipline. These experiences prepare students not only for academic success but also for the challenges and opportunities they will encounter in life. If you are interested in learning more about all our programs and curriculum, please get in contact with our school today!