Caring Cougars Halloween Costume Drive

Each year our Caring Cougars Junior Mastery (3rd-5th grade) organizes a Halloween Costume Drive to support the Miami-Dade County Foster & Adoptive Parent Association. The costumes collected allow many children in our community to have a fun-filled Halloween. Please see below a letter written by the students in Caring Cougars with more information about the drive.

Dear Families,

October is a season for giving to the community. Caring Cougars is having a Halloween costume drive. The reason we are doing this is because there are kids who might not have costumes for Halloween. Please bring new or lightly used Halloween costumes to donate to children at the Miami-Dade County Foster & Adoptive Parent Association. 

The event starts on September 26th and ends on October 18th. If you would like to donate, we will be giving all teachers a box to collect the costumes.

These kids do not have much family and they need our support. These costumes will help. We hope you make the right decision and try your best to look for old costumes that might not fit anymore and donate them, or buy new ones. Caring Cougars wants to let them know that we care! 

Thank you for making a difference!

Caring Cougars Junior Mastery 
3rd, 4th, & 5th Grade

To participate, please bring new or lightly used Halloween costumes in all sizes. There will be bins outside each classroom for the collection. 

We are grateful for your participation!