Benefits of The Blended Approach to Schooling

blended approach

With such uncertain times on the horizon, the educational system will need to be as adaptive and flexible as ever before. There are many possible solutions to apply in schools amid such unprecedented times. As one of the most measured practices, the blended approach to schooling makes use of a mix of in-person and remote learning techniques. In fact, many of the best private schools are already planning to make use the blended approach. Here’s just a few key benefits of this educational practice.

The Blended Approach Pays Attention to Student Needs

Did you know that according to the Condition of Education 2016 report, in the 2013-14 school year, 4.1 million students were enrolled in private school from prekindergarten to eighth grade? In the 2011-12 school year, only 4 million students were enrolled in private school from prekindergarten to eighth grade. With such a vast number of students enrolled in schools, educators and parents alike share their concerns about remote learning. With full time online learning classes, it is likely for some students to get left behind. Even if this doesn’t occur as the fault of any single educator, the constraints of online learning platforms may make this kind of thing more common than anyone would like.

The blended approach makes sure this doesn’t happen. By mixing it up with in-person classes and online learning, you can be confident in the fact that your student is getting the individual attention that they deserve.

The Blended Approach Doesn’t Sacrifice Quality

A mix of class types also allows educators to maintain the quality of their lesson plans. Online learning presents some unique opportunities that traditional classrooms do not. The opposite holds true as well. By taking advantage of each of these settings, teachers and educators can express unique lesson plans that aim to uphold a superior approach to learning. Students may also find themselves enjoying a schedule that allows for a variety of different learning environments and lesson plans.

The Blended Approach Allows For the Best of Both Worlds

On a similar note, the blended approach has received some warm reception from parents and educators because it allows schools to explore both the past and the future of education. Digital learning platforms were already seeing a rise in popularity before the current global pandemic. However, due to the acceleration of online learning as a result of the current situation, schools and teachers find themselves adapting to the climate in fresh and innovative ways.

But a schedule full of online learning has its disadvantages as well. With a mixture of in-person classes sprinkled in, educators can help students and families of all kinds maintain a sense of community and normalcy throughout these uncertain times. Furthermore, in-person lessons may seek to reinforce concepts introduced in online lessons, and vice versa.

At Conchita Espinosa Academy, we are committed to using a blended approach to education to ensure that our students, staff members, and teachers remain safe in the upcoming school year and beyond. If you are looking for private elementary schools that use a blended approach, or if you are interested in online learning, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team today.