The Benefits of Private Schools in Miami, Florida

Almost everyone can agree that an education is one of the most important gifts that we can give our children. Every stage — from preschool and onwards — is instrumental in shaping the adult they’ll become. Many parents opt for a private school education all the way through, while others may start their child at a private middle school and transition to a private high school. There are many benefits of private schools and keeping your child in the private school system can offer your child many advantages socially and academically. There are over 30,000 private schools in the United States who serve over five million students from pre-K to 12th grade, so there are plenty of options for you to choose from.

What’s the Reach of Private Schools?

The Condition of Education 2106 reported that private school attendance is inching up. In the 2013-14 school year, 4.1 million students attended private school — from prekindergarten through private middle school (ending in 8th grade). In the 2011-2012 school year, only four million students were attending private school. Attending to these students were almost 450,000 teachers during the 2013-2014 school year.

Private schools make up a quarter of the nation’s schools and have a 10% enrollment of students pre-K to 12th grade. A little over 95% of private schools are coeducational, with the remaining difference split between all girls’ schools and all boys’ schools.

What Are Some Benefits of Private School?

Private school tend to be smaller and more selective — almost 90% of private schools have under 300 students, and the average school size in the 2011-2012 school year was just shy of 150 students across all private schools. The smaller class size means that teachers can devote more personal and specialized time and attention to the students.

The application process also ensures that the children are more or less on the same academic footing, so the curriculum can be more targeted and rigorous than in a public school, which has to cater to students’ learning levels across a broader spectrum.

The focus on learning is clear in the academic excellence of these students. Of the over 300,000 private high school graduates in 2010-2011, almost 65% went to four-year colleges in the fall of 2011. They may also have an easier time getting into top-ranked schools and have extracurricular or internship opportunities that would be harder to come by in a public school setting.

Are There Social Benefits to a Private School Education As Well?

Whether students are attending a private elementary school, private middle school, or private high school, they’ll be with likeminded classmates, often from similar social backgrounds. Many private schools have a strong focus in the arts and humanities and seek to make their pupils well-rounded, creative, and confident individuals.

Conchita Espinosa Academy strives to develop a strong healthy body, mind, and spirit in its students. Technology is utilized to its full potential, but not worshipped. Character is an important aspect of a person — practicing discipline, respect, and empathy are just as important as practicing drills or memorizing facts. Our academics are demanding, but we also demand much of our students in terms of self-awareness, creativity, communication, and critical thinking.

As mentioned above, a private school may offer students connections to alumni and other professional connections that can help them with internships and even jobs later on. College counseling may be more in-depth and students may develop more meaningful relationships with faculty, who can help guide them down career paths and instill a life-long love of learning.

Having your child attend private schools in Miami, Florida can offer them numerous benefits to take advantage of throughout their academic career. Get your child started down the path to success from a young age.