CEA Toy Drive

The time has come for our annual toy drive! As always, we will be collecting toys this holiday season to benefit the University of Miami Child Protection Team, which helps children in our local community who have been neglected or abused. The toys collected will not only bring joy to the thousands of children served this Christmas, but will stock the UM Child Protection Team’s toy closet for the entire year.

We are asking that all students please bring a new, unwrapped toy to their homeroom by Monday, December 14th. 

Let’s come together this holiday season to help bring joy to those who most need it!

*All toys should be new, unwrapped, non-battery operated, and no stuffed animals. 

Toy Age Group Assignments

K3-K4 – Birth to 24 months
PP – 2 to 4 years
1st & 2nd Grade – 5 to 7 years
3rd & 4th Grade – 8 to 10 years
5th & 6th Grade – 11 to 12 years
7th & 8th Grade – 13 years +

Thank you for helping this great cause!