Ofelita Gravier

Dear CEA Community,

It is with a heavy heart that I must tell you that Ofelita Gravier, Maria Ofelia Armas’ mother, the former head of our Spanish department and my 1st right hand, passed away on Saturday, August 7, 2021.  Mrs. Gravier began her journey with CEA as Maria Ofelia’s mother, but soon found a place in administration in 1969. 

In those early years of the school, everyone wore multiple hats, and Mrs. Gravier wore them all beautifully. She was by my side helping solve the myriad of every day minor and major challenges.  At the end of long book sale days when the money had to be counted and balanced, it was Mrs. Gravier who sat with me till all hours.  When the bus routes weren’t convenient, and we had to figure out routes that would allow students to get home at a decent hour, it was Mrs. Gravier sitting at the table with me tracing them out.  When our 1974 graduating class wanted to go to Disney for their 8th grade trip, she went that year and then every year thereafter.  She helped with class schedules, registration, newsletters, and was one of the best Spanish teachers anyone could wish for (many of you can attest to that.)  

She was an excellent sounding board, a huge supporter of the school and conservatory, godmother to my daughter Ana and my dear friend.  Her contributions to CEA are too numerous to count, but the results of her hard work and love are seen in the school we have today.  She will always be remembered with great love and respect as an integral part of our history.

Our deepest sympathy goes to her daughter Maria Ofelia Armas (Class of 1974), her two grandchildren Gabriella Armas-Abrams (Class of 2000) and Dr. Alfred Armas (Class of 2005), her great grandchildren Levi and Noah Abrams, nieces Belkis and Vivian Galainena (Class of 1980), nephews Leonardo (Class of 1976) and Alejandro Gravier, and all her colleagues and students.


Maribel Zubieta Diaz