Second Grade Night Under the Stars

Friday, April 8, 2022

6:30 to 9:00 p.m.

Friday night, we celebrated “Night Under the Stars,” an evening of gazing at the stars and learning about astronomy with the second grade, in celebration of their solar system unit. Mark and Nancy Lopez, the parents of Elise Lopez (CEA class of 2015) and amateur astronomers, came to teach us how to use a telescope and talk to us about their love for astronomy. Elise also came and played a great trivia game with our students! We are so grateful to have families like them, who remain involved in the CEA community and continue to contribute their time and passion. 

This year was extra special. We were honored to have a very special guest join us. Carlos Monge, NASA Tests Director who is in charge of the Artemis I launch scheduled for 2024, connected with us through Zoom on a giant screen. Mr. Monge gave a special presentation on his work with NASA and shared his experience and knowledge with our community. We are proud to be able to learn from somebody in his position.

Students and families had a great time, learning about the stars, eating galaxy snacks, and having an evening family picnic where adults and students learned together. We displayed the beautiful glow in the dark planets our second graders created with Mrs. Vazquez, which set the mood for a beautiful evening! Thank you so much to our STELLAR second grade team: Mrs. Cruz, Mrs. Estevez, and Mrs. Llerena, for all of their work, creativity, and enthusiasm in making learning come alive for their students, not only on this evening, but throughout the school year! You are OUT OF THIS WORLD!