What Makes a Great Camp Experience?

best summer camps in miami

With summer coming up, it’s time to start thinking about the benefits and advantages of sending your child to a summer camp program. Many parents understand that summer camps are probably a good thing for their children, but they just don’t know how to choose one. Here’s our simple list of important details that make a great camp experience….

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With summer fast-approaching, many working parents are left with questions about childcare. The good news is that parents can enroll their children in summer camps at local private schools, keeping kids occupied and setting them up for a bright future. Summer camps afford children options they do not have during the rest of the school year, particularly when it…

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4 Spring Tips To Help Your Child’s Education

Spring is finally here, and with that means warm weather, time to play with the kids outside, and spring break. However, after spring break, many students struggle to focus on their education as the weather warms up. Here are a few spring tips you can use to keep your kids focused on performing well in school during the last…

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How School Builds Successful Young People

The top private schools in Miami, FL know what it takes to raise a successful child. Do you? Psychologists and researchers are able to pinpoint and predict the factors that markedly increase your child’s chances of success. Here are some of the top predictors of success, according to researchers, scientists, and local private schools. Social Skills Are An Absolute…

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The Importance Of An Education In The Arts

The arts are an important part of any education. From preschool all the way through college, a child’s education should include the study and practice of one or more art disciplines. Whether it’s painting, music, dance, or theater, here are a few reasons why every education needs the arts. Develops Creative Problem-Solving Skills One of the benefits of education…

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Life Lessons Learned In The Classroom

We all know that the right classroom can have truly transformative results for students of all kinds. Whether the lessons learned come through a particularly tough math problem or an interpersonal conflict, there is no denying that there are many life lessons learned in the classroom. Here are just a few. Classrooms Expose Children to People from Different Backgrounds…

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How Private Elementary Schools Set The Stage For Your Child’s Greater Learning

Private Elementary Schools

When American parents think of enrolling their child in private school education, many think of private high schools. However, private elementary schools and private middle schools are just as common and may even offer a greater opportunity for your child. If you have yet to enroll your child in kindergarten or elementary school, here are a few reasons why…

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Extracurriculars Make The Big Difference

When you choose to send your child to a private elementary school, you know that you’re getting the best academic advantages you can get. But what about extracurricular activities? Are you worried that your child may be missing out on the types of extracurricular activities they might be able to get at a public school, or another educational setting?…

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What Age Should My Child Start Performing Arts?

If you’ve ever turned on the television or seen a movie, you know that there are some parents who start their children out in theater at an early age. Some even have their kids on screen and on stage as infants or toddlers. But when exactly is the best time for your aspiring actor, musician, or dancer to take…

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