3 Benefits of a Private Preschool Education

Private Preschool Education

Private schools make up 25% of America’s schools and they currently register 10% of Pre-Kindergarten (PK)-12 students. When considering the best form of education for your child, there are many factors to think about. Weighing the advantages of private schools and public schools enables parents to make an informed decision, and Our Kids lists three benefits of a private…

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Why is Now The Time To Find A Private Preschool Near You?

private preschool near me

Parents, without a doubt, want the best education possible for their children. That’s why so many parents make the choice to send their children to a private school for elementary and secondary school. But what about private preschools? Is preschool too early for private education? If you’re wondering, “why should I find a private preschool near me,” here are…

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Do Coed Classes Help Or Hurt Students?

Coed Classes

Most public schools in today’s world are coeducational, but that doesn’t mean all schools follow this model. While some private schools across the nation pride themselves on being gender-exclusive, there are a wide variety of benefits to having coeducational classrooms. Mixed-gender classrooms allow for a wider range of student experiences than single-gender classrooms, fostering emotional intelligence, social skills, and…

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Education And The Arts: How Art In Preschool Stimulates Academic Learning

s a parent invested in your child’s education, you probably see the advantages of private schools over public schools. From smaller class sizes (about 87 percent of American private schools have a student body of less than 300) to varied curricular themes to better resources, a private education usually wins in comparison.  Now that you’re researching which Miami private…

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Five Long Term Benefits of Private Elementary Schools

Your child’s education is always worth your time and investment. One way you can help guarantee your child’s success in the educational system is by enrolling them in private schools. Private schools are available for all grades, but starting your child in a private elementary school is crucial in order to foster success at a young age. Are you considering…

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How Top Elementary Schools in Miami Set The Stage For Your Child’s Greater Learning

private elementary school students with uniforms

When American parents think of enrolling their child in private school education, many think of private high schools. However, private elementary schools and private middle schools are just as common and may even offer a greater opportunity for your child.  If you have yet to enroll your child in kindergarten or elementary school, here are some of the advantages…

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5 Ways to Prevent School Break Learning Loss

Whether your child is spending three months running through summer sprinklers or one week warming up from the snow, private school breaks pose a risk for learning loss. Teachers work hard to keep your child performing at their best, but it is your job to keep them on track during breaks. By following these simple tips, you can ensure…

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The Top Extracurriculars For Your Elementary Student

elementary school age student

Picking the right activities to sign your child up for can be difficult, especially during elementary school. When your children are young, you want to make sure that they’re spending time on activities that will be useful and beneficial to their overall growth and development, but with so many choices available it can be hard to know where to…

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Important Parts Of Education That Aren’t In The Curriculum

Education that goes in inside the classroom is clearly incredibly important to your child’s overall health and development. Learning the essentials of math, science, and language are all necessary for educational success. But there are some crucial elements of childhood development that can’t be quite as easily written into the curriculum. Here are some important parts of school that…

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How Can Parents Support Their Child’s Education?

Private school curriculum

While most of a child’s education happens at school, it doesn’t end there. When children come home, parents take on the responsibility of encouraging and supporting their child in their education efforts. But how can this be done? Let’s take a quick look at a few simple ways parents can continue supporting education outside of school. Meet with their…

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