Beyond the Classroom: What The Stage Can Teach Young Students

arts middle schools near me

Raising well-rounded, ethical and engaged children requires more than learning from a textbook. Though listening to lectures and reading books can expand children’s minds and worldviews, parents and educators can do more to prepare children for a lifetime of learning and citizenship. Specifically, the performing arts offer a wide array of opportunities for children to enhance their talents and…

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Does Private School Education Better Prepare You For College?

Private School Education

The decision to send your child to public or private school can be a complicated one; what will they gain from a private education over a public school, what school to choose, and more are all very important questions. However, there are several signs that choosing a private school over a public school may actually better prepare your child…

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How Private Education Can Help Early Cognitive Development

Your child’s early education, without a doubt, is one of the most critical times in cognitive development and growth. Therefore, picking the right educational program for your child can be essential, helping pave the way for their future success in school and beyond. This may explain why an increasing number of parents send their young children to private elementary…

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How to Encourage Your Child to Enjoy Learning

summer camp Miami

Education is extremely important for the youth of this nation and the world. While most parents and guardians see the value in a regular school year, only some recognize the additional benefits that their children might gain from art summer camps. Even though some children might disagree with a summer program, a summer in the arts can be extremely…

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Why Are Performing Arts So Important For Your Child?

top private schools in Miami

Everyone knows that a high-quality elementary education is essential to childhood development. Learning the basics and the essentials while also nurturing a child’s social and emotional growth is key to that child growing into a successful adult. But what place should the performing arts, often included as exclusively an extracurricular, have in a child’s early education? Read on to…

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Elementary School Kids As Foreign Language Learners

In language acquisition studies, there is this fascinating concept called a “critical period”, a period of time where kids best learn language skills. When they grow out of that “critical period”, learning grammar rules or a new language is difficult or impossible. Is there a cut-off age for learning a foreign language? Five years old? Eight? Eighteen? Science has…

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How To Choose the Best Extracurricular Activities

private elementary school

When you choose to send your child to a private elementary school, you know that you’re getting the best academic advantages you can get. But what about extracurricular activities? Are you worried that your child may be missing out on the types of extracurricular activities they might be able to get at a public school, or another educational setting?…

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Keeping Your Child’s Future Bright: The Growing Appeal Of The Individualized Private School Model

Any good parent wants to set up their child for future success. With the job market always a little unstable and so many educational opportunities presenting themselves as the best option out there, it can be easy to fall victim to uncertainty. How do you make sure your children are being given a sound education that covers all the…

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Why Middle Schoolers Should Practice Theater

Middle Schoolers

Ever wonder why many private school curriculums and private school extracurricular activities include an emphasis on performing arts like theater? It’s not practical, some parents think. There are visions of ‘starving artists’ and ‘struggling actors’. First, don’t knock the merits of pursuing an acting career; but second, did you know how incredibly healthy performing arts middle school programs can…

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