Help Your Child Pass The Private School Interview With These Tips

In the United States alone there are 33,619 private schools. These institutes serve 5.4 million students from preschool to high school, amounting to 10% of the nation’s students. There are many benefits of private education, including a more rigorous course load and a more individualized learning system. On top of that, private school students often have a significant advantage in the college admissions process. However, many parents may feel that their child won’t be able to experience these benefits, whether that be due to finances or just simple uncertainty. 

Private schools, however, do offer scholarships for students that need them. In order to qualify, they must meet certain admission standards. In many cases, the scholarship process will include an interview for the young learner. This allows the institution to gauge how well your child may perform in their environment, but this process can be intimidating for child and parent alike. To help you have a better chance of getting your child into a private school, here are a few tips to prepare for the interview: 

Do Some Research Before The Interview

It is very important that you know basic information about the school before the interview. You should know whether or not the school has a football team, for instance, or that it focuses on the arts. Most of this information will be readily available online, and so you should be sure to do some research. Make it clear that you know about the school, and that you are eager to have your child attend. Ask questions about the things you learned during your research. 

Practice For The Interview

Much like a job, you need to practice and rehearse for interviews with private education facilities. Whether it be for a private elementary school or high school, make sure that you and your child are ready. You don’t want your answers to be scripted, but being able to talk confidently about yourself or the school will be helpful. Be sure to shake hands with the admission officer and thank them at the end. Also, both you and your child should practice good posture to make the best impression. 
Dress AppropriatelyMake sure you find out what the dress code is and have your child dress in attire that is similar to it. Most private schools require their students to dress at least semi-professional, meaning button-down shirts, polos, and khakis. You want to look your best to impress the admissions officers. If the school has a uniform, just wear something that looks similar. 
Private education is a great investment in your child’s future. You want to make sure that you do everything you can to help them succeed, and that is why you need to prepare them and yourself for the interview process. Making a great impression could be the key to a bright future.