How Does Your Child Develop During Elementary School?

Elementary School

It’s no secret that young children grow up remarkably quickly. Kids seem to grow and learn new skills every day at a shocking rate. This is especially true during elementary school, when kids grow rapidly and make huge strides in learning. Here are just a few developments that children should experience in their elementary school age years; the best elementary schools will encourage these types of growth and change in children.

  • Social interaction: During elementary school, children are learning how to best interact with the world. They’re building friendships and working with others in a substantial way for the first time, leading to leaps and bounds in their social interaction skills. This is especially true in smaller schools; 87% of private schools have fewer than 300 students, allowing students to form stronger bonds with a more tight-knit group.
  • Increased empathy: This age range is around the time when children begin to develop a stronger sense of empathy, largely due to an increased amount of social interaction. This is especially true when children are given a chance to interact with others from outside their own experience; the best schools will encourage this with higher rates of diversity and including these topics in the curriculum.
  • Language skills: It’s not just interpersonal skills that grow during this age in a child’s life; their psychological skills do as well. Children of this age are better primed to learn language skills more easily. This means they’re likely to pick up on reading and writing faster now than they will later on in life, whether they’re working on developing their first language or learning a second one.
  • Natural curiosity: Children at this age are naturally curious and will likely ask a lot of questions. Their world is big and exciting, and they want to learn as much about it as they can. The best teachers will encourage this by allowing students to explore their interests within the classroom whenever possible, giving them the best opportunity to learn.

Elementary school age children are going through a lot of growth and development, and to help them grow, they need the best education possible. For more information on how the right education can help fuel your child’s development, contact Conchita Espinosa Academy.