There are essentially three different types of schools in the United States of America. Public, private, and charter schools, and within each of those three categories of schools are subsets of schools, like trade and boarding schools. Public schools are government run and funded. Private schools are privately run and funded. Charter schools are privately run, but publicly funded. All three have their own advantages, but the benefits of private schools make them arguably the best option of the three for a child’s education.
The academic benefits of private school, along with the social benefits, are extensive. These lead to a better education future for the children who go to private school. Here are a few of those benefits.
They Offer Strong Early Education
There’s a reason that 449,819 students, according to data from 2011-12, attend private kindergartens. That’s because of the amazing emphasis that gets put on early childhood education in private schools. By emphasizing early childhood education, private schools are setting children up to succeed in later grades. In other words, if you transition to school quicker and learn the basics quicker, then you will be more prepared to learn complex concepts quicker, making this one of the best benefits of private schools throughout the country.
Allow Choice in Terms of Curriculum
When a curriculum is set by the state, that’s what is taught. There’s nothing wrong with that, as it is typically designed as being what would fit the needs of most people. However, an individual student isn’t most people. That’s the beauty of being able to set your own curriculum at a private school. As different students learn and excel in different ways, they should be taught in different ways. For instance, there are plenty of students who struggle with STEM, which receives a lot of emphasis, but they can go to an art school and thrive. This choice in the curriculum to help a student excel is truly one of the greatest benefits of private schools.
Offer Small Class Sizes
It’s not news to say that, while private schools are successful, well-respected, and oftentimes prestigious, fewer students go to them than do public schools for one reason or another. Often, this is by design, and other times it’s by happenstance, but it leads to one of the benefits of private schools. It leads to smaller class sizes. These smaller class sizes mean that teachers have more time to spend with individual students. They can help students who are struggling in more detail than if the class was a large size, and the initial increased attention means that students are less likely to struggle in the first place.
Provide Extensive After School Programs
Private schools are able to provide excellent after school programs. These programs stimulate further learning in a setting that is outside the classroom. Furthermore, they help students build bonds with fellow students, stay physically healthy, pursue their own personal interests, and grow as people in a social setting. Some common after school programs that are offered include sports, like basketball and soccer, French club, honor societies, drama club, student council, and debate club.
Of course, there are plenty of other options, and most schools are open to hearing suggestions for new clubs or activities from students and parents. Furthermore, these types of programs rarely end at after school programs at the best private schools. You can also include summer activities and travel programs to the list of benefits of private schools that a student may be receiving.
The extensive benefits offered by private schools makes them a unique environment for children to learn, which sets them up for success in the future. That’s something that can’t be replicated or understated, and it will make all the difference in the world if students do choose to take advantage of these benefits.