Small Private Schools and Their Importance for Your Child

performing arts academy

When it comes to making educational decisions for your children, you really can’t afford to make the wrong move. Your child’s academic environment will impact so many aspects of their learning and development. Educational experts agree that smaller schools offer benefits to students that bigger schools simply can’t. It’s estimated that 87% of private schools have fewer than 300 students, according to Education Week. Let’s look at some of the benefits of attending a small private school.

Close School Community

Private schools, such as a performing arts academy, already have a community advantage because most of the students attending may share similar motivations or passions. This creates a great foundation for community building that you often can’t find in larger schools. When students learn in a close school community, they feel a sense of security and inclusion that makes for a better learning career.

Smaller Classroom Sizes

Smaller classroom sizes have been attributed for years as a key factor in positive learning experiences. When a teacher can better focus their time and attention on the students in the classroom, everyone has a more positive outcome. Large classrooms create challenges in learning and behavior that are sometimes hard to solve. Smaller private schools can bypass this problem, as class sizes are just naturally smaller due to the population.

Better Funding

Private schools, such as performing arts academies, do not struggle with the same type of funding issues that public schools might face. These schools are privately funded and are therefore at liberty to administer that funding the way they see best. This means that fewer programs might be cut when budgeting decisions need to be made.

Better Extracurriculars

Private schools also have more liberty to create extracurricular activities without being tied down to county or state expectations. This means that the school can provide the activities that students and parents are asking for rather than simply check off boxes on a list that the state says is required.

If you would like to learn more about our performing arts academy, and the advantages that small private schools offer, please contact Conchita Espinosa Academy today. We are here to help your child on their learning journey.