We are very happy to offer all our music students the opportunity to continue their private music lessons (instruments & voice) throughout the summer.
During these summer months of non-regular schooling, children make great progress in their private music studies, as their minds are fresh and open to learning in a different way.
Please get in touch with your respective teachers in order to have a conversation about how to best adjust your class schedule to your vacation plans.
(Please note – the weeks selected do not have to be consecutive. Please make sure to specify upon registration)
Summer music classes are from June 9th through July 18th.
3 weeks
$125.00 for ½ hour weekly lesson $190.00 for 1 hour weekly lesson
6 weeks
$250.00 for ½ hour weekly lesson $380.00 for 1 hour weekly lesson
Payment must be made in full at the time of registration.
We will be organizing schedules and prioritizing on a first-come, first-serve basis. Once the summer faculty has filled up their schedules, registration will be closed. Therefore, it’s important to please make sure you register and email your proof of payment prior to the start of the first class.
*There is no discount for late or incomplete registrations that couldn’t start on time. Teachers do their best to accommodate make-up classes, but this may not be possible if the teacher’s schedule is full.
To register, please email Registration Form to mgarmas@conchitaespinosa.com or turn in to the CEA Main Office.