Thanksgiving Food Drive

Each year, we come together to provide food for those who most need the support in our community. For over 12 years, Key Biscayne Police Chief Charles Press (ret.) and Madison’s dad (8th grade), has worked with his department to positively impact the relationship between the police and the children in Liberty City. The Chief Press Foundation founded a local food pantry located at the Belafonte Tacolcy Community Center in Liberty City, which gives hundreds of families access to basic food staples, which they utilize throughout the year. 

This year for Thanksgiving, those who benefit from the food pantry made a wish list of the foods that they would most appreciate. For our annual Drive, we are collecting these specific items, in an effort to not only make Thanksgiving, but their day to day better.

We are grateful to the many individuals who made this drive such a successful one!

Thank you to our Caring Cougars Junior Mastery for their work in organizing the drive, collecting and packing.

Thank you to our extraordinary volunteer moms who came at 7:30 each morning to support the drive and collect the food items.

Thank you to our Upper School students who gave their time and strength to pack and carry the heavy items each morning and on collection day. Not all who helped are photographed, but we are grateful for each one of you and your energy and enthusiasm.

Thank you to Minerva, Digna, Santa, and all who supported the drive each day!

And finally, thank you to the generosity of our families, for their donations and for contributing to this excellent cause! Together, we are Conchita’s legacy!