Most people are aware of the fact that the modern public school system has some glaring flaws. However, many of those same people get hesitant when it comes time to consider sending their children to another educational environment, such as a private school. Were you aware of the fact that according to the Condition of Education 2016 report, in the 2013-14 school year, 4.1 million students were enrolled in private school from prekindergarten to eighth grade? These numbers may be shocking to you. But any way you slice it, private school education has many distinct benefits over those offered by the public school system. Here are a few of the key benefits that private school have when compared to public schools.
Private Schools Better Prepare Students for College
Whether you’re considering best schools in Kendall Florida, or anywhere else in the country, there’s simply no denying the fact that private schools offer superior college preparation. How exactly does this shake out? Well, first and foremost, private school education makes use of curriculum and courses that ask more from students. In the public school system, teachers and staff alike simply have a quota to meet in many cases. This means that many students get through the education system without ever actually learning anything. As a result, these same students find themselves ill-prepared for a college education. As you can see, this process can quickly spiral out of control, leading to lifelong problems both in learning, skill acquisition, and gainful employment.
Private Schools Offer Individual Attention for Students
No matter how intelligent or naturally gifted a student may be in their given subject, each one requires a little extra help from time to time. Private schools are able to offer this kind of help in droves. Sure, in certain public school environments teachers may be able to zoom in on the problematic areas in which a student is having trouble. But oftentimes large class sizes and conflicting concerns make it hard to staff to keep up with students as they grow and develop. The best schools in Kendall Florida and elsewhere make a point to focus on students as individuals. This approach leads to greater learning and confidence.
Private Schools Emphasize a Connection Between The School and The Home
Unfortunately, many parents now days simply look at school as a way to get rid of their children for the day. While this may be something that passes in some public school districts where parents treat the school day like a daycare center, private schools take a different approach. The good news is that everyone involved benefits from a private educational approach that works to merge the school environment with the home environment.
Whether you’re looking at the best schools in Kendall Florida or other local private schools in your area, you’ll soon notice that education is only as good as the staff who work in the classroom. The ability to blend a student’s experiences at school with their experiences at home represents perhaps one of the main reasons why private school is better than public school. A student who cannot strike a balance between the two places they spend the most time in their lives will ultimately find themselves headed down a path full of laziness, disinterest, and loss of motivation. However, as seen in the best schools in Kendall Florida and elsewhere, when a private school gives students the chance to connect their school day with the rest of their day at home, they find greater success in nearly every measurable dimension.
Are you curious about sending your child to one of the best schools in Kendall Florida? Are you wondering how you can make the most out of the benefits a private school education has to offer your child? Then, look no further. At Conchita Espinosa Academy we value a rigorous curriculum to suit all kinds of students. Our staff is caring, insightful, and diligent in making sure that students optimize their school day time and time again. Curious about getting enrolled or scheduling your first visit? Are you just looking for a bit more information on what we do and our approach to private education? All you have to do is reach out and get in touch with a member of our team today. We can’t wait to hear from you.