What Private Middle Schools Wish You Knew About Learning

Private middle schools are well known for academic excellence. There are a few things that private middle schools want you to know about learning and their formula for success. Read on to learn more about what private middle schools think you should know.

Highly Qualified Teachers Make a Difference

Private school teachers are highly qualified educators. In a private school setting, you will not find “lateral entry” teachers, which are teachers that have a degree but not in education that have not passed the Praxis certification yet. Approximately 441,000 teachers work in the private school setting according to a recent study released by The Condition of Education report.

Teachers at private schools are highly qualified professionals that are certified to teach, and they love what they do. This infectious love of teaching helps children get excited about learning.

Small Class Sizes Mean Individualized Attention

Private schools have smaller student bodies which equate to smaller class sizes. The ratio of students to teachers is low. Teachers have more attention to give the individual child in these types of settings. Teachers get to know the children in their class and can customize learning to the learner. Children thrive when education is tailor-fit to meet their individual learning needs.

Supports Your Belief System

Learning in a private school environment is not just about academics. Your family values are mirrored in private schools. Private schools work closely with parents to ensure the right values are being taught in the classroom.

Extracurricular Activities Are Encouraged

Private schools are very well known for their athletic programs and extracurricular activities. Children in private middle schools are encouraged to enjoy a well-rounded educational experience and to participate in sports and other after-school activities.

A Sense of Community and Belonging

Learning in a private school setting creates a sense of community for the student. Parents and faculty create a tight-knit network that puts the child’s best interest and education first. Children take pride in achievement and reaching academic milestones because their community rewards this behavior.

Private middle schools are the best possible place to educate your middle schooler. It will give your child the advantage that they need in their academic career. Contact us today to learn more.