Why Smaller Student-Teacher Ratios Matter

It may feel as if bigger schools are the norm. In some more populous areas, like big metropolitan cities, they largely are for public schools. If you went to a large public school, you may currently be looking into private schools to see if they would provide a different experience for your children. In large part, they may very well be, with 87% of all private schools having less than 300 students total. The question is, aside from the obvious difference in numbers, what would the private education experience be like for your children? How would a smaller school experience benefit your child, and why do smaller student-teacher ratios really matter?

1. Fewer Distractions

One of the benefits of a small private education experience is that your child will be less easily distracted during class. In larger classes, it’s easy for disruptions to break out and for students to distract each other. Smaller classes not only have fewer disruptions in general, but it’s also much easier for teachers to calm those disruptions and reprimand troublemakers in a collected manner.

2. More Focus From Teachers

In larger schools, it’s easy for teachers to be forced to focus on a few students in need. This makes it hard for them to give attention to all of their students. Additionally, teachers can have a hard time creating important bonds and trust with their students when they have to teach a larger class. Smaller classes allow teachers to give virtually every student individualized attention. Teachers have more time on their hands, and they’re also able to create the types of bonds that will allow students to confide in them about issues or anxieties they may have.

3. A Better Social Setting

Not only is it easier for students to bond with teachers when class sizes are smaller, but it’s also easier for students to bond with each other in smaller classes. Rather than breaking into numerous cliques, students in smaller classes must get to know each other. Friendships are often tighter in smaller private schools than they are in large public schools.

4. Issues Are Easier to Identify

If your child has either social or academic issues, it can be easier for administrators to identify them when classes are smaller. This makes it easier for your child to thrive and to truly feel comfortable at school.

A private education is ideal for students who would benefit from smaller student-teacher ratios and class sizes. The numerous benefits prove to help students academically and emotionally. Contact Conchita Espinosa in Florida today to learn more about the advantages of attending a smaller private school.