Life Cycle of a Butterfly
The Pre-Primary classes at CEA completed their Butterfly Life Cycle Science Lesson. At their age, children are innately curious, constantly observing the world around them, harnessing the perfect opportunity to begin to think about the basics of scientific inquiry, which starts with questions and observations.
Students adopted caterpillars and observed their life cycle and their process of metamorphosis into a beautiful butterfly. Together they were involved in the daily care of their caterpillars, observing as they went into their cocoons and eventually transformed into butterflies. As they observed their little creatures, they developed hypotheses - Which one will emerge earlier? How do their colors vary? As they watched the process, they made notes and drew conclusions.
Today, it was time to let their butterflies free! The end of the lesson, as they led their butterflies to freedom, helped them learn about respect for nature, love for the earth and connection to nature an a very intimate level!
Thank you to our great Pre-Primary team, Mrs. Torres and Mrs. Daniels, along with Mrs. Erika Torres and Mrs. Espinosa for these excellent lessons!
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