FeatureD Alumni:

Class of 1994 |
Alessandro Montanari
After CEA, I went on to Christopher Columbus High School and then attended Florida International University, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and N.C. State University. I have a Bachelor in Computer Science (FIU), a Master in Mathematics Education (FIU), a Master in School Administration (UNC), and currently working on my Doctorate in Ed Leadership (NCSU). In terms of my career, I got involved in education in 2003 when I started working as an inner-city high school teacher for Miami-Dade Public Schools. During my years in the classroom, my students were tripling state learning gains and eventually in 2007 I was recognized with Carnegie Learning's National Distinguished Educator Award. This has led to other career opportunities, and for the past three years I have been working for the Department of Education as Program Manager in working to turnaround low-performing schools in North Carolina.
My years at CEA set the foundation for many of my core beliefs and values I have today. Much like the great Conchita Espinosa, I have chosen a career path that even though it might not be the most monetarily fulfilling, it is rewarding in so many different ways. Everyone in this world deserves the right to a quality education and I have been very fortunate to have had the very best of educational experiences in my past. I wake up each and every day with one simple goal in mind: make sure every child no matter what socioeconomic level or what community they live in, has at least the possibility of the very same opportunities in life. |