More Than A School


Call: 305-227-1149

Congratulations to the CEA Class of 2015!

We are so proud of your accomplishments and the extraordinary human beings that you have become during your years at CEA. We are proud of every single one of you - you are intelligent, well-rounded, compassionate, confident, and kind individuals, and we know that with the foundation you have today, you will shine wherever you go. Now it is time for your next stage in life - follow your heart, live your dreams.

You are Conchita's legacy.

We are proud to have CEA's c/o 2015 attending the following high schools for the 2015-2016 school year: Belen Jesuit Preparatory School, Christopher Columbus High School, Immaculata-La Salle High School, Kaufman Music Center’s Special Music School, MAST Academy, New World School of the Arts, Our Lady of Lourdes Academy, Pinecrest Preparatory High School, St. Brendan High School, and Zelda Glazer High School.

Click here to purchase graduation and prom photos










2014-2015 School Year in Review

8th Grade

Sports Banquet

2015 Outstanding Production Team Award!

Splash Math

Gallery Night

Books for Breakfast

2nd Grade Fairy Tale Ball

Art Integration

3rd grade mystery Skype in Spanish!

Congratulations to our Mrs. Jackson!

Congratulations Nicole Medina!

Nepal Fundraiser

Student Council Spirit Week Video

Den Star


Chihuly Exhibit

Don Quijote Awards 2015

Library of Congress' Letters About Literature Contest

Congratulations Lianna Farnesi!

Congratulations Nicholas Aixala!

Dollar Wars for Miami Children's Hospital

Spain Trip!

Miami Holocaust Museum


Pi Day of the Century

Art Appreciation Mastery Studies Impressionist Art

"Game-On" Challenge

3rd Grade Biographies

St. Augustine

Hoop it UP!

Cathy Roe's Ultimate Dance Competition

Universal Ballet Competition Results

True Jackson

"STAR" Students

IE State Competition

Middle School Ambassadors

3rd Grade Poems

East of the Sun, West of the Moon

Walk for the Future 2015

FETC 2015

Miami Heat Court of Dreams

Spelling Bee

Lauren Von der Pool visits

Coral Gables Museum Show

Christmas Show 2014

Bottle Caps Art

Presidential Physical Fitness Awards

The Renaissance

Save the Snow Queen Experiment

K3 Nativity

CEA Central Park, Dec 11th

2nd Grade Christmas Play

Flag Football season opens!

Hour of Code at CEA

Handmade Ugly Dolls

Student Council Books for Breakfast

Music Mastery Performs in CEA Central Park

Fernanda Miranda in Carnegie Hall

Honor Society Induction Ceremony

5th Grade Spain Project

Central Park Concerts

Recycle Often Recycle Right!

Ballet National de España Master Class

CEC Youth Ballet Company Christmas Raffle

Miami Heat Court of Dreams

Junior Thespians Honor Society

Middle School: Art Mastery VHS Video

Thanksgiving Food Drive

Middle School STEAM Mastery

CEYDE at Gainesville

Family Affair 2014

Columbus Day

FIU's 42nd Annual South Florida Journalism Day

Buy a key

National Day of Writing

Junior Orange Bowl cross country invitational

Estampas del Quijote

Civics Mastery Group learns about recycling

Grow Grass for the letter G

A Tribute to Martha Mahr

Conchita Espinosa Concert Series: Josu Okiñena

Congratulations Lil Padron!

Halloween Costume Drive

CEYDE in Parkinson Walk


Rocko's Big Launch

Surprise Harvest

Wacky Hat & Tacky Tee Day

Ms. Gonzalez Presents Workshop at FETC

CEC Clothing Drive

Amor en Acción - Noche Caribeña

Erika Johnson at MXAT

Box Tops for Education

New Faculty and Staff

Liga Contra el Cancer Fashion Show

Peter Pan

Gabriel Medina at White House State Dinner

Conchita Magazine
45th Edition

Snow White






our history


Conchita Espinosa Academy, 12975 SW 6th Street, Miami, FL 33184, Office: 305-227-1149, Fax: 305-225-0184

Conchita Espinosa Academy is accredited internationally, nationally and regionally by Accreditation International (AI), National Council for Private School Accreditation (NCPSA), National Independent Private Schools Association (NIPSA) , the Middle States Association (MSA), COGNIA (previously SACS/AdvancEd), and the Association of Independent Schools of Florida (AISF). We are also members of the Independent Schools of South Florida (ISSF).


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Designed by an alumni, class of 1980.

