Miami Heat Court of Dreams
On Friday, January 23, 2015, our entire basketball team (Girls, Boys, JV, and Varsity) will have the opportunity to play in the same court as the Miami Heat. Players will have the chance to play a “friendly” exhibition game against Highpoint Academy at the American Airlines Arena. We will have the court reserved from 2:30 – 4:00 p.m. Students will be transported to the game via school bus, but parents are responsible for picking up their children from the game. In order to participate, each student will be responsible for selling 3 tickets to the Miami Heat vs. Indiana Pacers game that will be played at 7:30 the same night. Tickets are $15 - $35 for 400-level seats.
Please return the ticket order form below no later than Monday, December 15th. Please make sure it is clearly labeled "CEA Court of Dreams, ATTN Coach Carlos"
If you have any questions, please contact Coach Carlos.