Family Affair
We know the holidays are here when we see it’s time for Family Affair. Family Affair is a day-long event for everyone at CEA to get together to enjoy good food, great music and a field full of students, parents, family and friends which are the heart of all our Family Affairs. This tradition of exciting games, tasty tidbits, lively music, a special visit from St. Nick, the traditional 7th and 8th grade kickball game and more make this day one that will be filled with fun and those special moments memories are made of.
This is a day for us to get together as the family we are. Invite all your family and friends to come join us to celebrate CEA and kick off a great holiday season. If you know of any former students, please let them know about Family Affair. We’d love to have everyone come celebrate CEA and our extended family. See you on the 22nd!
Family Affair Tickets
Family Affair tickets will go on sale Monday, November 10, in the mornings and afternoons. Tickets are $18.00 for a sheet of 40 tickets until the afternoon of November 20. Wristbands that cover unlimited rides and games (they do no include food and drinks) are $40 each and will be on sale until the afternoon of November 20. Wristbands will not be on sale at the door of Family Affair, but you will be able to buy a sheet of 40 tickets for $20 at the door.
Thank you to our incredibly generous Family Affair sponsors!
Without you, this would not have been possible!
Carolina Cruz-Wegener
Leon Medical Centers
Andrea Comas
The Curbelo Family
The Ramos Family
Joel and Maria Amaro
Super Gold Jewelry
3rd Grade c/o 2020
JIS Construction Management, Inc
Victoria and Catalina Cantens
Ernesto Diaz
Alejandro Fernandez
Sam and Eric Reus
Gaby and Adrian Toledo
Daniela and Valentina Mayz
Cuesta Construction
Maria Rodriguez
Natalia and Daniel Avella
Camille Aranda-Tamariz
HDR International
Denys and Yurian Castillo |